DEDR entry 5073

        mey truth, reality, soul, consciousness, body (used euphemistically), breast, consonant
        mey (-pp-, -tt-) to be true
        mey-kkoḷ to believe to be true; n. acceptance as truth
        meyppi (-pp-, -tt-) to prove, substantiate
        meyppu verification, proof
        meymmai truth, reality, natural state, existence, signification
        meyyaṉ one who has realized the truth; true, honest, trustworthy, faithful person; brahman; one who speaks the truth; God; son
        mēṉi DED(S) 4162
        mey body, person; true, truth (e.g.mey-var̤itrue religion)
        mai body, person; true, truth (e.g.mey-var̤itrue religion)
        may body
        meyṇ son
        moy body; ?
        mïy vulva of animals
        may(i) body; side, part, place
        mey(i) body; side, part, place
        mai body; side, part, place
        may body (in songs)
        mai body, person
        mayn id
        meyi body, side, manner, method, mode
         body, side, manner, method, mode
        meyi-konu to consent
        mē-konu to consent
        meyi-kolupu to persuade
        mē-kolupu to persuade
        meyi-kōlu consenting, agreeing
        mē-kōlu consenting, agreeing
        mēmu to agree, concede
        mēmuḍu consent
        mai the body; manner, way; side
        mai-konu to consent, agree
        mai-maṟapu ecstasy, trance, (K.) forgetfulness, intoxication
        mai-maṟavu armour