DEDR entry 1957

        *key- to do
        *key-pi- to cause one to do
        cey (-v-, -t-) to do, make, create, cause; n. deed, act, action
        ceykai deed, act, action, work, conduct, that which is manufactured
        ceyti deed, act, action, occupation, conduct
        ceyyal conduct, work
        ceyyuḷ action
        ceyaṟkai action
        ceyvatu that which ought to be done
        ceyal act, action, work, conduct
        kai DED(S, N) 1628
        ceyka to do, act
        ceyal action
        ceyti doings, news
        ceyyikka to cause to do
        gey- (gec-) in a few constructions) to do, make
        key- (kec- in a few constructions) to do, make
        kek work
        keky work
        kïy- (kïs-) to do, make
        kök an art
        kek an art
        key to perform, do, make, work; be serviceable, fit
        kai to perform, do, make, work; be serviceable, fit
        gey to perform, do, make, work; be serviceable, fit
        keyta doing, an act
        geyta doing, an act
        keyme doing, work, achievement
        geyme doing, work, achievement
        gēme doing, work, achievement
        key- (keyyuv-, kejj-) to work
        gaipini to do, fulfil
        geyipini to do, fulfil
        cēyu to do, perform, make, create, (K. also) occur, happen, (body of child) grows
        cē̃ta doing, act, action
        kēsiri they did
        kēsina that he did
        sēgi action
        ki- (-t-) to do, make
        kīānā (neg. kēw-)
        kī- to do, make, prepare;
        kī- to do, make, prepare;
        kī- to do, make, prepare;
        kī- to do, make, prepare;

        kīmuṛ doing (Voc. 703)
        kiva (kit-) to do, make, perform, cause; n. action, performance
        giva (git-) to do, make, perform, cause; n. action, performance
        pl. action gipka (gip ki-)
        kīnai (kitt-)
        ki- (-t-)
        ki- (-t-) id
        ki- (-t-) id
        kak- (kakt- also
        ka- instead of
        kak- in the present) to do, make; have sexual intercourse (on this meaning, Kuiper,
2.239) (? for the form, contamination with a form like Nk
        akk- s.v. 333 Ta
        ā )
        kak- to do.
        key- (ked-, ken-)
        key- to do.
        kēp- (-it-) to do, make; (also Su. F. auxiliary)
        pēk (-it-) to do, make; (also Su. F. auxiliary)
        kanning (kar-, ka-, kē-) to do, make, feign oneself, be able (all stems butkē-, and the appearance ofk-instead ofx-in all stems, are due to borrowing and contamination from Bal.kan-and Si. Jaṭkīkar-; BDCG, §§ 3.19 and 26). ?