DEDR entry 1942
*keṭ-u to perish, decay
*kēṭu damage
*keṭ-al evil
*kēṭu-ti ruin
*keṭ-ṭa evil
keṭu (keṭuv-, keṭṭ-) to perish, be destroyed, decay, rot, become damaged, spoiled, fall on evil days, degenerate, be reduced, run away defeated
keṭu (-pp-, -tt-) to destroy, squander, extinguish, damage, spoil, corrupt, defeat, lose; n. peril, poverty
keṭṭa bad, spoiled, ruined
keṭṭavaṉ a bad, immoral person
fem. keṭṭavaḷ; keṭal ūr̤ evil fate
keṭutal ruin, damage, danger, degeneracy
keṭuti ruin, loss, damage, thing lost, danger, affliction, evil
keṭumpu ruin, evil
kēṭu ruin, loss, damage, adversity, death, evil
kēṭaṉ ruined, miserable man, he who ruins
fem. kēṭi
keṭu ruin
keṭuka to be extinguished, be ruined, spoilt, damaged
keṭuti ruin, danger, weakness, misery
keṭumpu depravity, rottenness
keṭumpikka to be spoiled by drying up
keṭṭa lost, bad
keṭukka to quench, do away with, damage, ruin
kēṭu destruction, loss, damage, hurt
kēṭan a rogue
keṛ- (keṭ-) to die, be ruined, be lost
keṛc- (keṛc-) to ruin, destroy, lose
kēṛ (obl. kēṭ-) ruin, harm, danger, loss, funeral, corpse
köṛ- (köṭ-) to be spoiled, become bad in conduct, be extinguished, die (others than Todas)
köṛc- (köṛč-) to kill by witchcraft, extinguish, make to go wrong way and lose property
köḍθïl misfortune, evil
köḍc- (köḍč-) to destroy (< Badaga)
kȫḍ (obl. kȫṭ-) dead person (corpse at first funeral, relics at second funeral), funeral
kȫṛ ōx- to die (used of Todas)
keḍu to be destroyed, be ruined, be spoiled, become bad, become vicious, be extinguished, cease (as sorrow, etc.)
kiḍu (keṭṭ-) to be destroyed, be ruined, be spoiled, become bad, become vicious, be extinguished, cease (as sorrow, etc.)
keḍisu to destroy, ruin, spoil, extinguish
kiḍisu to destroy, ruin, spoil, extinguish
keṭṭa ruined, spoiled, foul, bad
keṭṭe evil, misfortune, ruin
keṭṭatana a bad, wicked, lewd disposition or conduct
keḍaka man who destroys, one who is ruined, a bad, wicked, mean man
keḍika man who destroys, one who is ruined, a bad, wicked, mean man
keḍuka man who destroys, one who is ruined, a bad, wicked, mean man
kiḍuka man who destroys, one who is ruined, a bad, wicked, mean man
fem. keḍaki a corrupt, bad, lewd nature or conduct
keḍike a corrupt, bad, lewd nature or conduct
keḍuki; keḍakatana a corrupt, bad, lewd nature or conduct
keḍakutana a corrupt, bad, lewd nature or conduct
keḍukutana a corrupt, bad, lewd nature or conduct
keḍaku corruption, ruin, evil
keḍuku corruption, ruin, evil
keḍuvike being destroyed, etc
keḍuha ruin, disappearance
kiḍa man who is ruined, etc
kiḍi one who ruins or destroys
kiḍuka one who ruins or destroys
kēḍu ruin, destruction, evil, loss
kēḍi one who ruins or is ruined
kēḍiga one who ruins or is ruined
kēḍuga one who ruins or is ruined
kēḍitana state of being a destroyer or being destroyed
kēḍigatana state of being a destroyer or being destroyed
kīḍiki a vile, unchaste woman
kīṭakatana mischief-making
kīṭale mischief-making
këḍ- (këṭṭ-) to be spoiled, ruined, extinguished
këḍït- (këḍïti-) to spoil, ruin, extinguish
kë̄ḍï ruin, rottenness
keḍaguni to ruin, spoil
keḍuku damage, loss
keḍa damage, loss
keḍaků damage, loss
keḍake oppressor
keṭṭa bad, vile
kēḍů mischief, evil, danger, disaster, loss, perdition
kēḍu mischief, evil, danger, disaster, loss, perdition
kēḍage mischief-maker
kēḍiṅge mischief-maker
keḍapu to kill
ceḍu to be spoiled, destroyed, become bad, useless, be a loser or sustain a loss
ceḍḍa bad, wicked, wrong, spoiled, damaged
ceḍu bad, wicked, wrong, spoiled, damaged
ceṭṭa evil, harm; wicked
ceḍipa an unchaste woman
ceḍugu evil, harm, calamity
ceḍḍatanamu badness, vice, enmity, odium
cēṭu ruin, misfortune, destruction
keḍayu to die
keḍayika death
kīḍu evil, harm, danger (but see Krishnamurti, Language 39.560 f.)
giṭṭu to die, perish
ceṟucu to spoil, destroy, ruin, ravish, rape (cf. 1981 Ta.ceṟu)
ceṟacu to spoil, destroy, ruin, ravish, rape (cf. 1981 Ta.ceṟu)
ceṟupu to spoil, destroy, ruin, ravish, rape (cf. 1981 Ta.ceṟu)
ceṟapu to spoil, destroy, ruin, ravish, rape (cf. 1981 Ta.ceṟu)
hēḍinai to mar
hersinai to destroy, pollute (< Te.)
kiṭ- (kiṭt-) to be extinguished
kiṭip- (kiṭipt-) to extinguish
kiṭ- to be extinguished
kiṭip- to extinguish
kiṛ- (kiṭṭ-) fire to go out
kiṭup- to put out fire
kiṭp- to put out fire
ciṭ- (fire) goes out
ciṭip- to put out (fire).
siṭ- (fire) goes out
siṭp- (siṭt-) to make (fire) go out
ciṭṭ- to be put out as fire.
keṭṭo-kama- to put out (fire) (kama-to do, make). DED (S) 1614