[DEDR 916]
- ēṟu (ēṟi-) to rise, ascend (as the heavenly bodies), mount, climb, abound in number, weight, or measure, increase in price, quality, spread, be diffused (as poison), grow, be laden (as cargo)
- ēṟa so as to exceed, more than, above
- ēṟṟu (ēṟṟi-) to lift up, raise, increase (as price), load (as a cart or ship), eulogize, found, establish
- ēṟṟam mounting, ascending, raising up, rising (as the tide), eulogy, increase, excess, preeminence, well-sweep, picottah
- ēl (ēṟp-, ēṟṟ-; ēlv-, ēṉṟ-) to be excessive, abound; awake from sleep; bear, lift up, carry
- )
- ēṟuka to rise, increase, be much, arise, ascend
- ēṟa much, more, beyond
- ēṟṟuka to raise, embark, multiply
- ēṟṟam rising, ascent, increase, climbing, pulling up, what is too much, embarkation
- ēṟṟu mounting palm trees, flow of tide
- ēlkka (ēṟṟ-) to multiply
- ēttam machine to draw water
- ēr- (ēry-) (advice) is listened to
- ēr up
- ērēr up
- ērr up
- ēr big
- ēṯ- (ēc) to place (burden) on (person or animal)
- ēṯl act of raising (e.g. a fine)
- ēṯ aṇ edge of bank of stream or tank (or with 5159 Ta.yāṟu; cf. 122
- ȫṟ- (ȫṟy-) to rise high, (poison, disease) is diffused, load (bullock, cart)
- ȫṟc- (ȫṟč-) to make high
- ȫł (ȫṯ-) to be fat. (boil) comes to a head
- eṯ- (eṯy-) to raise, in:
- pōw ful eṯ- to thatch the ti· dairy (i.e. to raise the thatching grass to/of the dairy)
- ās̱ fōn eṯ- to burn the model house at a woman's funeral (lit. to raise the house to the sky)
- ēṟu to rise, increase, ascend, mount, climb; n. rising, etc., rising ground
- ēṟi an ascender
- ēṟike rising, increasing, etc
- ēṟuta rising, increasing, etc
- ēṟuvike rising, increasing, etc
- ēṟisu to raise, place upon, etc
- ēta ascent, rise; picottah
- rēgu to rise (as dust), be aroused, excited, angry
- ë̄r- (ë̄ri-) (liquor) rises to head, (poison) diffuses and kills; be more than enough, extra
- ë̄ra more than enough
- ēruni to ascend, climb, rise, be increased
- ērāvuni to raise, increase, load, embark
- rēgiyuni to be excited
- erků rising or accumulation of water
- ertè floodtide
- yāta engine for drawing water
- ēṭavālu slope, slant
- ētamu picottah, water-lift
- ētām picottah, water-lift
- ettam picottah, water-lift
- ātam picottah, water-lift
- āṭakarra picottah pole
- āṭamānu picottah pole
- rē̃gu to be excited, rage, rise (B., as dust), swell
- rēgu to be excited, rage, rise (B., as dust), swell
- rēvu to be excited, rage, rise (B., as dust), swell
- rēyu to increase, rise, swell, rage
- rē̃cu to excite, rouse, provoke
- ṟē̃cu to excite, rouse, provoke
- rē̃pu to excite, rouse, provoke
- rēpu morning, tomorrow, (B.) dawn
- ṟēpu morning, tomorrow, (B.) dawn
- rēpakaḍa morning, dawn
- reccu to rise, swell, increase
- lēcu to rise, get up, sprout, spring up, rise from sleep, be roused from sleep
- lēpu to rouse, awake, rise, excite, stir up.
- ēṟasi steep, steeply rising; le- to get up, rise (defective; found only in imperative 2sg.leˀ e, pl. ledu).
- ehī- to place pot on fireplace for cooking
- ah- to cook (gruel) (Voc. 373)
- eski uphill; ?
- re'nai to ascend (but Voc., p. 91, to descend)
- les- to get up
- lēp- (lēpt-) to arouse (to search, to do something), begin (a search), compete, put (curdling agent into milk, match to pipe)
- lēp- to apply, kindle (fire), light (lamp), close (door) (used as equivalent of H.lagānā). ?
- saling to stand, stand up, remain with, survive, stop, cease from. DED(S) 776
- salīng to stand, stand up, remain with, survive, stop, cease from. DED(S) 776
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