[DEDR 4395]
- *peṇ woman
- *peṇ-ṭṭ-i female of an animal/bird
- *peṇ-(ḍ)li marriage
- peṇ woman, daughter, girl, wife, bride, female of animals or plants
- peṇṭu woman, wife
- peṇṭir (pl.) women
- peṇṭaṉ hermaphrodite, eunuch
- peṇṭakaṉ hermaphrodite, eunuch
- peṇṭakam hermaphrodite, eunuch
- peṇṇaṉ effeminate man
- peṇmai being born a woman, feminine grace, womanliness, modesty
- piṇai female of animals, doe
- piṇaval female of the dog, pig, deer, or yak
- piṇavu id., woman
- piṇā id., woman
- peṇṇai palmyra palm (cf.peṇ-paṉaifemale palmyra palm)
- peṇ woman, daughter, girl, wife, bride, female of animals or plants
- peṇṭu woman, wife
- peṇṭir (pl.) women
- peṇṭaṉ hermaphrodite, eunuch
- peṇṭakaṉ hermaphrodite, eunuch
- peṇṭakam hermaphrodite, eunuch
- peṇṇaṉ effeminate man
- peṇmai being born a woman, feminine grace, womanliness, modesty
- piṇai female of animals, doe
- piṇaval female of the dog, pig, deer, or yak
- piṇavu id., woman
- piṇā id., woman
- peṇṇai palmyra palm (cf.peṇ-paṉaifemale palmyra palm)
- peṭṭaiyaṉ hermaphrodite, effeminate man
- peṭai female of birds
- poṭṭacci
- peṭṭaicci woman (used in contempt)
- peṇ a female, esp. a female child, girl, maidservant, bride
- peṇṭi girl, woman
- peṇṇan effeminate
- peṇ a female, esp. a female child, girl, maidservant, bride
- peṇṭi girl, woman
- peṇṇan effeminate
- peṭṭa female of birds, female of asses and camels
- piṭa female of birds, female of deer
- peṭa hen
- peṇ female
- eṇ id. (< Badaga)
- pe- id. (pe-mogwoman;pe-bi·cfemale cat)
- peḍ wife
- peṇ female
- eṇ id. (< Badaga)
- pe- id. (pe-mogwoman;pe-bi·cfemale cat)
- peḍ wife
- iṇ woman (in songs; < Badaga)
- iṇ woman (in songs; < Badaga)
- peṇ female, woman
- peṇṇu female, woman
- peṇḍa female, woman
- peṇḍir (pl.) women
- peṇḍati wife
- peṇḍiti wife
- peṇtana state of being a female, feminine character or behaviour
- heṇṇiga impotent man, coward
- heṇṇuga pimp
- heṅgasu female
- peṇ female, woman
- peṇṇu female, woman
- peṇḍa female, woman
- peṇḍir (pl.) women
- peṇḍati wife
- peṇḍiti wife
- peṇtana state of being a female, feminine character or behaviour
- heṇṇiga impotent man, coward
- heṇṇuga pimp
- heṅgasu female
- heṭṭuge female friend, affectionate or beloved woman, wife
- poṇṇï wife, female
- poṇṇāḷï woman
- poŋga id. (in songs)
- pommakka women, wives
- poṇṇï wife, female
- poṇṇāḷï woman
- poŋga id. (in songs)
- pommakka women, wives
- poṇṇu girl, female, maid
- poṇṇa female, feminine, bridal
- poṇjavu a female in general, a grown-up woman
- poṇjevu a female in general, a grown-up woman
- boḍedi wife
- emmaḷu woman
- poṇṇu girl, female, maid
- poṇṇa female, feminine, bridal
- poṇjavu a female in general, a grown-up woman
- poṇjevu a female in general, a grown-up woman
- boḍedi wife
- emmaḷu woman
Betta Kurumba
- peṇṭi the female of any animal or plant
- peṇḍili
- peṇḍli
- peḷḷi
- pelli marriage
- peṇḍlā̆mu wife, spouse, consort
- peṇṭi the female of any animal or plant
- peṇḍili
- peṇḍli
- peḷḷi
- pelli marriage
- peṇḍlā̆mu wife, spouse, consort
- peṭṭa female of birds.
- peḍi ki- to marry
- peḍi ki- to marry
- penḍul marriage (Voc. 2330)
- penḍul marriage (Voc. 2330)
- ponḍri rīnḍi a married couple (forrīnḍi, see 474).
- ponḍri rīnḍi a married couple (forrīnḍi, see 474).
- pelli mir'esi bridegroom (mir'esison)
- pelli ā- to be married (< Te.; comm. by P. S. Subrahmanyam)
- pendili marriage
- pendili ā- to attain puberty (dentalnd)
- pelli mir'esi bridegroom (mir'esison)
- pelli ā- to be married (< Te.; comm. by P. S. Subrahmanyam)
- pendili marriage
- pendili ā- to attain puberty (dentalnd)
- peṭi mila female young (of sheep, pig)
- peṭa panji female young of pig
- peṭi female young of goat.
- penḍul marriage (Voc. 2330)
- penḍul marriage (Voc. 2330)
- penḍlig marriage
- penḍlik marriage
- penḍlig marriage
- penḍlik marriage
- penli marriage
- penli marriage
- peṭṭi female (of animals and birds)
- pinḍrul (pl.) married couple, man and wife.
- pinḍrul (pl.) married couple, man and wife.
- pelli māŋga bride (māŋgadaughter)
- pelli māŋga bride (māŋgadaughter)
- baṭg virginal, maidenlike
- baṭgni virgin, maiden
- baṭgo female of birds
- paṭṭī female. DED(S, N) 3608
Old Indo-Aryan
- paṇḍa- eunuch, weakling, effeminate man (Turner
- paṇḍaka- eunuch, weakling, effeminate man (Turner
- pṛṇākā- young female (of deer, in the cpd.hariṇa-pṛṇākā-)
- paṇḍa- eunuch, weakling, effeminate man (Turner
- paṇḍaka- eunuch, weakling, effeminate man (Turner
- pṛṇākā- young female (of deer, in the cpd.hariṇa-pṛṇākā-)
- peṇḍaya- eunuch
- peṇḍaya- eunuch
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