[DEDR 3519]
- tolai (-v-, -nt-) to become extinct, perish, die, be exhausted, terminated, liquidated, end (as a way), expire (as time), be over, finished, be weary, be defeated, fail, be lost, leave, depart; (-pp-, -tt-) to destroy, kill, exterminate, spend, pass (as time), remove, wipe off, bring to an end, settle, lose, surpass, defeat; n. ruin, distance, great distance
- tolaiccu (tolaicci-) to kill, destroy, exhaust, pay, discharge (a debt)
- tolaipu perishing, destruction
- tolaivu completion, end, extinction, destruction, defeat, failure, fatigue, weariness, dwindling, decrease, distance
- tulai (-v-, -nt-) to perish
- caus. (-pp-, -tt-)
- tulayuka to be at an end, die
- tulaccal end, difficulty
- tulekka to consume, finish
- tolg- (tolgy-) to be released from debt
- tolk- (tolky-) to release from debt; ?
- telg- (telgy-) (hair, bushes) are divided
- telk- (telky-) to divide (hair, cloak, bushes) so as to examine or go through
- twal- (twalθ-) to be settled and finished with
- twalf- (twalt-) to settle (debt)
- twalx- (twalxy-) (plank) is out of plumb, (coagulant agent) is polluted
- twalk- (twalky-) to make to be out of plumb
- tolagu to go away, depart, go aside or out of the way, retire, separate (intr.), be separated, be excluded, fail
- tolaṅgu to go away, depart, go aside or out of the way, retire, separate (intr.), be separated, be excluded, fail
- tolagisu to cause to go away, etc
- tole to stand away; get rid of
- tolaguni to depart, move away, leave, forsake, desert
- telavuni to go aside, make way, avoid, shun
- telāvuni to go aside, make way, avoid, shun
- tolãgu (K., imper. stemtola-is used alternatively) to move, step aside, get out of the way, go off, be removed, recede, vanish, disappear, terminate, cease, end
- tolãgincu to remove, free one from
- tolãcu to remove. DED(S) 2900
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