[DEDR 558]
- uka (-pp-, -nt-) to be glad, pleased, desire, hanker after
- ukappu pleasure, joy, favourite resort, wish, choice
- ukavai joy, happiness
- uva (-pp-, -nt-) to be glad, rejoice, be pleased with, like, be pleasing
- uvakai joy, gladness, love, desire
- uvappu joy, delight, desire, wish
- uvavu great pleasure, gladness
- ōkai (<uvakai)delight, joy
- ō DED(S) 476
- uvakka to love; to exult
- uvappu gladness, love
- uvavi inclination
- upavi love
- ōvi love
- ōpi love
- upavikka to love
- og- (ogy-) to be infatuated, desire strongly sexually; ?
- ok āḷ lover
- okāc mistress
- ō (ōt-) to be attached to, love, be pleased with, be kind; ?
- ose to be delighted or joyful, be delightful, be suitable
- osage joy, joyful occasion, festival
- uvviḷul-ūru desires spring up; to be eager or impatient, have a vehement desire, water (as the mouth at the sight or thought of)
- uvviḷ-ūru desires spring up; to be eager or impatient, have a vehement desire, water (as the mouth at the sight or thought of)
- uvvāyi cheerfulness, joy; ?
- gōmu love, affection, fondness, cherishing
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