[DEDR 4436]
- pēṇ protection
- pēṇu (pēṇi-) to treat tenderly, cherish, foster, protect, regard, esteem, honour, treat courteously, worship, care for
- pēṇam tenderness, regard, care, nurture
- pēṇal nursing
- piṇai protecting with loving care
- peḷ (peṭp-, peṭṭ-) to protect
- peṭpu protection
- pēṇuka to foster, take care of
- pēṇam caution
- peṇṇuka to take care of, use, take to oneself
- pen(u)cu to nourish, nurture, foster, support, rear, fatten, increase, extend
- penupu nourishing, fostering, rearing, increase, enlargement
- pempu nourishing, fostering, rearing, increase, enlargement
- pempakamu adoption of a child, rearing
- pempuḍu adopted; tame, domesticated. DED(S) 3633
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